Mission Statement

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Why an Omni Aqua Foundation ?

Extract from the preamble of the statutes of the OMNI AQUA Foundation

Despite many tireless efforts and attempts, the world still does not know any real, lasting world peace, because we have not yet understood and considered water comprehensively enough.

The list of problems and abuses in our world is long and so obvious. Now everyone should pause and briefly visualize to what extent our human coexistence, our society, our state, our world and our only home mother earth have long been in a destructive state: Discrimination, emotional and physical violence, incomprehensible, inhuman development towards inequality between rich and poor, a destructive attitude and a destructive system in our economy up to the destruction of nature, poisoning of the oceans, the earth and the air. All these things that humanity repeats over and over again in history according to the same pattern and behavior, as well as the fact that the peoples and nations repeatedly use violence, control, weapons, as a means of conflict resolution and to achieve their own goals, the destruction and curtailment of freedoms suggests that we have completely faded out or forgotten the essentials. In a true, all-encompassing consideration – when we recognize in all openness and acceptance that we ourselves are part of these problems and that we cannot consider or judge anything separately from anything, it is not difficult to grasp that we have a new attitude in ourselves and need towards our world in order to free us from this vicious circle. Otherwise, whether we like it or not, we will have to keep turning in the same cycle in the future. I don’t want to nurture and strengthen this attitude. That is why the Omni Aqua Foundation was created as a non-profit, legal foundation to show clear examples of solutions that can serve people as gifts in everyday life, so that we consciously finally stop destroying and hating ourselves further, because we are part ourselves of nature and part of this earth. As earth citizens, we share the same fate and that is right in our own hands.

Everything that is alive contains water, also in us humans and in our mother earth. That is why a foundation for water that wants to look at its different levels and dimensions is so important and valuable.

Water is the eternal elixir of life.

When the water suffers, all of life, the whole ecosystem of nature and all of humanity suffer.

I am of the opinion that the all-encompassing primal essence, as the source for all human behavior and thought patterns, has been stored in water as primal memory since the beginning of time and has always been transcended. I am of the opinion that water can absorb and pass on information. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that our thinking, our attitude and our awareness towards water are decisive and essential for the future of humanity and the earth.

From this conviction a clear vision has matured in me and so the Omni Aqua Foundation could become a reality.

The Omni Aqua Foundation will make a contribution to the collective change in consciousness as well as to peaceful and harmonious coexistence as a guest on earth beyond all differences.

We have deliberately chosen our foundation purposes from different areas:

  • Education as open access to new perspectives
  • Interdisciplinary research as holistic recognition and appreciation of the element of water
  • International sentiment as friendly cooperation and respect for every difference in us
  • Nature & environmental protection as a concrete action for peace and shaping the future for our children and grandchildren.

As mentioned above, all of these areas are in fact inextricably linked. We build a bridge with our concrete activities and connect all these areas with a new attitude towards ourselves and the world. As a foundation, we will make real action examples and answers available to all people as simply as possible, so that everyone can become independent.

We are convinced that everyone can be precisely the hero and savior of the world and responsible for solving the problems for which we have hoped and waited for life. We ourselves are the change and the solution that we want.

We need this new attitude so that we can and want to take our responsibility into our own hands in order to bring about the urgently needed changes.

The Foundation would like to lead the way with a concrete example and be real proof of this.

Founder of the Omni Aqua Foundation

Akiko Stein