Akiko Stein
- Founder

Akiko is the ambassador of water and peace. Her decision to follow the path of the heart instead of pursuing a profession was very profound. So since that decision she has dedicated her life to the element of water. From 2014 onwards she has been leading a UN-recognized peace project – the Emoto Peace Project – for DACH countries. She examines water in her laboratory for water crystal photography and makes hidden information and messages in the water visible to our eyes. Thus she makes an important contribution as a bridge between science and spirituality in water research. With the establishment of the OMNI AQUA Foundation, her heartfelt wish has come true, to spread the universal message of peace through the message of water thus preseving it eternally.
Links to the laboratory in Germany and the peace project

Prof. Gerald H Pollack (Jerry)
- Initiator
- Honorary Board

Jerry is a brilliant scientist recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and successful writer. His passion is to explore the depths of natural truth. He is also a great humanist and his love for nature is profound. One of his heartfelt tasks is to protect our mother nature and especially the water through findings from new water sciences. Jerry wants everyone in the world to have access to safe drinking water. Prof. Pollack has an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. It is a pure pleasure to have Jerry join the Foundation as Honorary Member of Directors.
Links to Pollack Laboratory and to Jerry’s CV (PDF)
Erwin Thoma
- Deputy CEO

Erwin is a meek activist for sustainability and living in harmony with nature. He is a successful book author and entrepreneur at the same time.
Out of a deep love for nature, Erwin first became a mountain guide and then a district forester. In the middle of the mighty giant trees of the Karwendel (mountain range on the German-Austrian border) he got to know the secrets of the forest. He now applies his knowledge to his timber construction company. With his development of the heart he sets a living, concrete example of how precious it is to follow the heart. He now also acts as a tree ambassador and teaches us how the wisdom of the trees can strengthen and nourish our lives. Another message is that the cooperative, compassionate principles of the forest can be used as a very good, functional model for us humans and our society, which adopts a completely different attitude than the previously dominant economic and monetary system of capitalism and a throwaway society. If each of us behaved like a tree and our society behaved like a forest accordingly, there would be peace and harmony here on earth.
Links to the Homepage of Erwin