Name and Logo

On the name OMNI AQUA and the logo of the OMNI AQUA Foundation

If a drop of water from an ocean or river is only considered a tiny drop from anywhere, we will learn little from that drop or will find little in it. But if we consider a drop of water to be part of the whole ocean, part of all rivers or part of the whole world that is ever reflected in this one drop, the world of the drop begins to sing and dance, inseparably connected with us and with all living beings and so in this seeing the gate opens as a bridge between all different worlds and views. From this thinking and inspiration, the name for the “OMNI AQUA” foundation (covering all dimensions of water) and the logo as a symbolic image emerged.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist logo2020_foundation_rechts-1024x361.jpg

Some thoughts on LOGO as a symbol for the fusion of unity and diversity:

May each drop be given a special place on earth as a uniqueness.

May our diversity lead to unity.

May unity, beauty and diversity always teach us and remind us of the universal connection.

Appreciate and honor every difference in us as uniqueness and as a variety of impulses of creation.

Recognize the tireless harmony in each and every drop.

Swing and pour together into the center of life, where we can reunite beyond all differences and respect each other with dignity.

Protect, wear and shine your unique gift always faithfully in you and meekly out of you as a gift for humanity, for the peace of the water in and around of us.

Let your soul dance and circle with the water. So become and be yourself your own flower like a beautiful crystal.

With love and gratitude
Founder Akiko Stein

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